Data Dictionary

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  

saysA basic predicate of Communicating that also entails that the agent is aware of the Formula he or she is communicating. This excludes talking in one's sleep, brain stimulation that causes an utterance, or unconscious parroting of some word or phrase. This can also include writing or gesturing.[and full SUMO definition]
screenOfGUIE(screenOfGUIE ?GUIE ?SCREEN) means that the GUIElement, ?GUIE, is displayed on, or at least logically assigned to be displayed on the ComputerScreen, ?SCREEN.[and full SUMO definition]
seaSurfaceTemperature(seaSurfaceTemperature ?AREA ?TEMP) means that the temperature of the sea surface at ?AREA is ?TEMP. Temperature may be expressed in some UnitOfTemperature, including CelsiusDegree and FahrenheitDegree, among others.[and full SUMO definition]
searchQueryRewrite(SearchQueryRewrite ?QUERY1 ?QUERY2) means that the SearchQuery ?QUERY2 occured before the &SearchQuery ?QUERY1, and they both represent the same SearchAttempt.[and full SUMO definition]
searchResult(searchResult ?RESULT ?SA) relates a WebListing to a SearchAttempt where the listing is in the SRPResults.[and full SUMO definition]
seatsHeldInOrganization(seatsHeldInOrganization ?GROUP ?PARTY ?NUMBER) means that in the Organization ?GROUP, the PoliticalParty or other AutonomousAgent ?AGENT, holds or controls this ?NUMBER of seats.[and full SUMO definition]
seatsInOrganizationCount(seatsInOrganizationCount ?ORG ?NUMBER) means that there is a total ?NUMBER of seats in the Organization ?ORG.[and full SUMO definition]
seatsWonInElection(seatsWonInElection ?ELECTION ?AGENT ?NUMBER) means that in the Election ?ELECTION, the PoliticalParty ?AGENT won this ?NUMBER of seats.[and full SUMO definition]
secretesSubstance(secretesSubstance ?OBJ ?STUFF) means that the subclass of OrganicObject (either Organism or BodyPart) ?OBJ produces the subclass of Substance ?STUFF.[and full SUMO definition]
secretesToxin(secretesToxin ?ORGANISM ?TOXIN) means that the subclass of Organism ?ORGANISM produces the subclass of Toxin ?TOXIN.[and full SUMO definition]
sectorCompositionOfGDP(sectorCompositionOfGDP ?AREA ?SECTOR ?FRACTION) means that in the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA, the economic sector ?SECTOR contributes the amount ?FRACTION to the Gross National Product.[and full SUMO definition]
sectorCompositionOfGDPInPeriod(sectorCompositionOfGDPInPeriod ?AREA ?SECTOR ?FRACTION ?PERIOD) means that in the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA, the economic sector ?SECTOR contributes the amount ?FRACTION to the Gross National Product during the TimeInterval indicated by ?PERIOD.[and full SUMO definition]
sectorValueOfGDP(sectorValueOfGDP ?AREA ?SECTOR ?AMOUNT) means that for the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA, the economic sector ?SECTOR contributes ?AMOUNT to the Gross National Product, evaluated in U.S. dollars on a purchasing power parity basis. See PPPBasedEconomicValuation.[and full SUMO definition]
sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod(sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod ?AREA ?SECTOR ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD) means that for the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA, the economic sector ?SECTOR contributes ?AMOUNT to the Gross National Product during the TimeInterval indicated by ?PERIOD, evaluated in U.S. dollars on a purchasing power parity basis. See PPPBasedEconomicValuation.[and full SUMO definition]
securedByAssets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan or other credit, and subject to seizure in the event of FinancialDefault.[and full SUMO definition]
securityQAA Question that has an answer, created or selected by the user, that provides a degree of security for accessing a given Account. Typically, security questions are either a method for two-factor security, in addition to a user name and password, or a sort of alternate password that allows a user to unlock an account if a password has been forgotten.[and full SUMO definition]
sendRate(sendRate ?Program ?Period) holds if ?Period is the period at which the ComputationalSystem ?System sends data reports.[and full SUMO definition]
sententialObject(sententialObject ?OBJECT ?SENTENCE) means that the NounPhrase ?OBJECT is the object of the Sentence ?SENTENCE.[and full SUMO definition]
sententialSubject(sententialSubject ?SUBJECT ?SENTENCE) means that the NounPhrase ?SUBJECT is the subject of the Sentence ?SENTENCE.[and full SUMO definition]
serviceFeeA charge to the customer levied by a FinancialOrganization for a FinancialTransaction, such as OpeningAnAccount or UsingAnAccount.[and full SUMO definition]
serviceInstrument(serviceInstrument ?EVENT ?OBJ) means that ?OBJect is the instrument of the service provided in ?EVENT.[and full SUMO definition]
serviceProvider(serviceProvider ?EVENT ?AGENT) means that ?AGENT is the supplier of the service provided in ?EVENT.[and full SUMO definition]
serviceRecipient(serviceRecipient ?EVENT ?AGENT) means that ?AGENT is the receiver of the service provided in ?EVENT.[and full SUMO definition]
servingPiecesCountA number of places for serving pieces in a Dishwasher.[and full SUMO definition]
settlingTime(settlingTime ?PROGRAM ?TIME) says that ?TIME represents seconds to delay after an action was taken with respect to QoS.[and full SUMO definition]
shape(shape ?OBJECT ?SHAPE) means that the shape of ?OBJECT is ?SHAPE.[and full SUMO definition]
shareHolder(shareHolder ?Stock ?Agent) means that ?Agent possesses shares of Stock in a corporation or mutual fund.[and full SUMO definition]
sharedBorderLengthThe length of the boundary between two GeographicRegions.[and full SUMO definition]
sheddingBodyPartA relation between an Organisim and its BodyPart which is given off as part of the normal process of life.[and full SUMO definition]
sheddingLeavesA relation between a Plant and its leaves which is given off as part of the normal process of life.[and full SUMO definition]
shortBalanceAmount(shortBalanceAmount ?Account ?Day ?Amount) holds if ?Amount is the short balance amount of the FinancialAccount ?Account on the Day ?Day.[and full SUMO definition]
shortageA relation between an AutonomousAgent and a number of instances or a quantity of a class of Object at a particular price or cost. The cost should include transport from the origin to the agent.[and full SUMO definition]
shutdownOf(shutdownOf ?SHUTDOWN ?PROGRAM) holds just in case an instance of ShutdownBlock ?SHUTDOWN specifies a set of instructions to end ?PROGRAM.[and full SUMO definition]
siblingThe relationship between two Organisms that have the same mother and father. Note that this relationship does not hold between half-brothers, half-sisters, etc.[and full SUMO definition]
side(side ?SIDE ?OBJECT) means that ?SIDE is a side of the object, as opposed to the top or bottom.[and full SUMO definition]
sideEffectA predicate that is used to specify a side effect of a substance used in a medical treatment. (sideEffect ?SUBSTANCE ?SYNDROME) means that the BiologicallyActiveSubstance ?SUBSTANCE has the side effect ?SYNDROME.[and full SUMO definition]
sideOfFigure(sideOfFigure ?SIDE ?FIGURE) means that the OneDimensionalFigure ?POINT is a side of the GeometricFigure ?FIGURE.[and full SUMO definition]
signedBy(signedBy ?Instrument ?Agent) means that ?Instrument has been signed by ?Agent.[and full SUMO definition]
significantWaveHeight significantWaveHeight is a TernaryPredicate. (significantWaveHeight ?WA ?TIME ?SWH) ?SWH is a LengthMeasure used to describe the average wave height, from trough to crest, of the highest third the waves for a ?WA (WaterArea) for a ?TIME (TimeInterval). It is defined as four times the standard deviation of the height of all waves.[and full SUMO definition]
simpleDeadline(simpleDeadline ?PATH ?TIME)holds if ?TIME is the maximum end-to-end path latency during a cycle of a continuous or quasicontinuous path or during the activation of a transient path.[and full SUMO definition]
simpleInterest(simpleInterest ?Account ?Amount ?Time) means that ?Amount is the interest calculated on a principal sum, not compounded on earned interest, for the duration ?Time.[and full SUMO definition]
sisterThe general relationship of being a sister. (sister ?WOMAN ?PERSON) means that ?WOMAN is the sister of ?PERSON.[and full SUMO definition]
siteCatalog(siteCatalog ?DATABASE ?WEBSITE) relates a Database and a WebSite, and signifies that ?DATABASE has a part which represents a Collection of Physicals which have the capability of being the patient of a Buying where ?WEBSITE is the eCommerceSite of the Buying.[and full SUMO definition]
siteForContact(siteForContact ?ContactSite ?AutonomousAgent) means that the Human or Organization ?AutonomousAgent can be reached at or via the point of contact ?ContactSite.[and full SUMO definition]
sliceOfFigure(sliceOfFigure ?SLICE ?FIGURE) indicates that ?SLICE is a 2-d section of the 3-d figure ?FIGURE. Or, more formally, ?SLICE is 2-d figure formed by the intersection of a plane with the 3-d figure ?FIGURE.[and full SUMO definition]
slidingWindowSize(slidingWindowSize ?PATH ?N) holds if PATH has a realtime QoS sliding window size of ?N measured samples.[and full SUMO definition]
slopeGradient(slopeGradient ?AREA ?SLOPE) means that in the LandArea ?AREA there is an incline of ?slope, where ?SLOPE is the percent of vertical rise over horizontal distance. slopeGradient gives an approximate value for nonzero slope over ?AREA, without regard to orientation. For example, (slopeGradient ?AREA 0.10) means that there is a 10% incline across the area, without specifying the orientation in which the land rises or falls. Also see slopeGradientTowardsOrientation.[and full SUMO definition]
slopeGradientTowardsOrientation(slopeGradientTowardsOrientation ?AREA ?DIRECTION ?SLOPE) means that in the LandArea ?AREA, there is an incline of ?SLOPE towards the DirectionalAttribute ?DIRECTION. ?SLOPE is a RealNumber representing the percent of vertical rise over horizontal distance.[and full SUMO definition]
smaller(smaller ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is smaller, with respect to all LengthMeasures, than ?OBJ2.[and full SUMO definition]
snowfallIntensitysnowfallIntensity is a TernaryPredicate. It is the rate of Snowing in a GeographicArea over a TimeInterval.[and full SUMO definition]
softwareHeartBeatRate(softwareHeartBeatRate ?Program ?Period) holds if ?Period is the period at which the ComputerProgram ?Program sends its heartbeat to a monitoring process.[and full SUMO definition]
softwarePath(softwarePath ?SYSTEM ?PATH) means that ?PATH is a computer path for the instance of SoftwareSystem ?SYSTEM.[and full SUMO definition]
softwareVersionsoftwareVersion is a VersionAttribute to the Proposition, ComputerProgram.[and full SUMO definition]
someRoomsAttribute(someRoomsAttribute ?INV ?ATTR) means some rooms in RoomInventory ?INV have RelationalAttribute ?ATTR[and full SUMO definition]
someRoomsPhysicalAmenity(someRoomsPhysicalAmenity ?INV ?OBJ) means that there are rooms in RoomInventory ?INV that have roomAmenity ?OBJ[and full SUMO definition]
someRoomsPolicy(someRoomsPolicy ?INV ?POLICY) means some rooms in RoomInventory ?INV have roomPolicy ?POLICY[and full SUMO definition]
someRoomsServiceAmenity(someRoomsServiceAmenity ?INV ?SVC) means that there are rooms in RoomInventory ?INV that have roomAmenity ?SVC[and full SUMO definition]
sonThe general relationship of being a son. (son ?CHILD ?PARENT) means that ?CHILD is the biological son of ?PARENT.[and full SUMO definition]
songArtist(songArtist ?MR ?A) means that CognitiveAgent ?A was the agent in recording MusicRecording ?MR[and full SUMO definition]
sortingTitle(sortingTitle ?STRING ?WORKTYPE ?LANGUAGE) means that in the Language ?LANGUAGE, ?STRING is the version of the title for instances of the ContentBearingPhysical ?WORKTYPE to be used for alphabetic sorting.[and full SUMO definition]
soundFrequencyA relation between a Process of MusicalTone and the fundamental frequency of that tone.[and full SUMO definition]
speaksLanguage(speaksLanguage ?AGENT ?LANGUAGE) means that the SentientAgent ?AGENT is capable of understanding and/or generating the Language ?LANGUAGE.[and full SUMO definition]
speedScaleAttributeMinMax speedScaleAttributeMinMax is a TernaryRelation which specifies the range of speeds for a speed scale attribute. (speedScaleAttributeMinMax ?ATTR ?MIN ?MAX) where ?ATTR is an instance of SpeedScaleAttribute and ?MIN is the minimum speed and ?MAX is the maximum speed. [and full SUMO definition]
spellingInLanguageThe predicate. (spellingInLanguage ?SYMBOLICSTRING ?WORD ?LANGUAGE) means that the SymbolicString ?SYMBOLICSTRING expresses the Word ?WORD in the Language ?LANGUAGE.[and full SUMO definition]
sphereRadius(sphereRadius ?OBJECT ?LENGTH) means the radius of the spherical Object, ?OBJECT, is ?LENGTH.[and full SUMO definition]
spinDryingPerformanceClassEuropeanUnionEnergyLabelClass given for a LaundryAppliance for its drying performance only.[and full SUMO definition]
spouseThe relationship of marriage between two Humans.[and full SUMO definition]
standardErrorDevice(standardErrorDevice ?PROGRAM ?DEVICE) holds just in case the DEVICE is the predefined error channel with which the running version of this program is initialised.[and full SUMO definition]
standardInputDevice(standardInputDevice ?PROCESS ?DEVICE) holds just in case the DEVICE is the predefined input channel with which the running version of the program PROCESS is initialised.[and full SUMO definition]
standardOutputDevice(standardOutputDevice ?PROGRAM ?DEVICE) holds just in case the DEVICE is the predefined output channel with which the running version of this program is initialised.[and full SUMO definition]
standardRetailHours(%&standardRetailHours ?TIMEINT ?AGENT) means that an ?AGENT engages in Selling processes with customers only within the time specified by ?TIMEINT[and full SUMO definition]
starts(starts ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that ?INTERVAL1 and ?INTERVAL2 are both TimeIntervals that have the same initial TimePoint and that ?INTERVAL1 ends before ?INTERVAL2.[and full SUMO definition]
startupOf(startupOf ?STARTUP ?PROGRAM) holds just in case an instance of StartupBlock ?STARTUP specifies a set of instructions to start the ?PROGRAM.[and full SUMO definition]
startupTimeDelay(startupTimeDelay ?PROGRAM ?TIME) says that ?TIME is the time to delay after the previous application was started before starting the application ?PROGRAM.[and full SUMO definition]
stateOfProcess(stateOfProcess ?PROCESS ?STATE) says that ?STATE is a state of the ComputerProcess ?PROCESS.[and full SUMO definition]
statementAccount(statementAccount ?Statement ?Account) means that ?Account is the account of the BankStatement ?Statement.[and full SUMO definition]
statementInterest(statementInterest ?Statement ?Amount) holds if ?Amount is the interest amount as shown on the BankStatement ?Statement.[and full SUMO definition]
statementPeriod(statementPeriod ?Statement ?Period) means that ?Period is the time period of the BankStatement ?Statement.[and full SUMO definition]
states(holdsDuring ?T1 (states ?AGENT ?SENTENCE)) means that at time ?T1, ?AGENT is the agent of a LinguisticCommunication in which the patient is ?SENTENCE. Note that ?SENTENCE could be a Formula.[and full SUMO definition]
statisticalPopulationA statistical population is a set of entities concerning which statistical inferences are to be drawn. (statisticalPopulation ?SAMPLE_COLL ?POP_COLL ?EXPERIMENT) means that the Collection ?SAMPLE_COLL is meant to be a representitive sample of the population Collection ?POP_COLL in the intance of Experimenting ?EXPERIMENT.[and full SUMO definition]
status(status ?PROCESS ?STATUS) holds if ?STATUS is the current status of ?PROCESS.[and full SUMO definition]
staysThe relation between a Human and a TemporaryResidence of the Human.[and full SUMO definition]
stepfather(stepfather ?PERSON ?FATHER) means that ?FATHER is the stepfather of ?PERSON, i.e. ?FATHER is the spouse of the mother of ?PERSON, without also being the father of ?PERSON.[and full SUMO definition]
stepmother(stepmother ?PERSON ?MOTHER) means that ?MOTHER is the stepmother of ?PERSON, i.e. ?MOTHER is the spouse of the father of ?PERSON, without also being the mother of ?PERSON.[and full SUMO definition]
stockHolder(stockHolder ?Stock ?Agent) means that ?Agent possesses the Stock ?Stock.[and full SUMO definition]
stockSymbolA unique symbol assigned to a security. NYSE and AMEX listed stocks have symbols of three characters or less. NASDAQ-listed securities have four or five characters.[and full SUMO definition]
stored(stored ?REC ?OBJ) means that some ContentBearingObject, encoded in some format, is saved in some DataStorageDevice and can be accessed in some future date.[and full SUMO definition]
stranger(stranger ?H1 ?H2) means that ?H1 has not met ?H2, or, in other words, (not (acquaintance ?H1 ?H2)). Statements made with stranger should be temporally specified with holdsDuring. Note that stranger is not symmetric, meaning that ?H2 might know ?H1. For the symmetric version, see mutualStranger.[and full SUMO definition]
streamOutfall(streamOutfall ?WATER ?RIVER) means that the WaterArea ?MOUTH is the outfall of the River ?RIVER.[and full SUMO definition]
strictness(strictness ?System ?Attribute) holds if the StrictnessAttribute ?Attribute describes the RealtimeSystem ?System.[and full SUMO definition]
strikePriceThe specified price on an option contract at which the contract may be exercised, whereby a call option buyer can buy the underlier or a put option buyer can sell the underlier.[and full SUMO definition]
stringConcatenation(stringConcatenation ?SymbolicString-1 ?SymbolicString-2 ?SymbolicString-3) means that ?SymbolicString-3 can be formed by appending ?SymbolicString-1 and ?SymbolicString-2, in order. Example: (stringConcatenation "Charles " "Darwin" "Charles Darwin") is a True Sentence.[and full SUMO definition]
stringLength(stringLength ?NonnegativeInteger ?SymbolicString) means that the number of Characters in ?SymbolicString is ?NonnegativeInteger. Example: (stringLength 14 "Charles Darwin"), which is a True Sentence.[and full SUMO definition]
student(student ?AGENT ?ORG) means that ?AGENT is enrolled in the EducationalOrganization ?ORG.[and full SUMO definition]
subAttributeMeans that the second argument can be ascribed to everything which has the first argument ascribed to it.[and full SUMO definition]
subBrand(subBrand ?BRAND1 ?BRAND2) means that Brand ?BRAND2 uses the identity and reputation propagated by ?BRAND1 but is applied to a more specific set of objects[and full SUMO definition]
subCollection(subCollection ?COLL1 ?COLL2) means that the Collection ?COLL1 is a proper part of the Collection ?COLL2.[and full SUMO definition]
subEchelonA subEchelon is a relationship between named organizational unit types in which a unit of one type is a subOrganization of the other.[and full SUMO definition]
subField(subField ?FIELD1 ?FIELD2) means that ?FIELD1 is a proper part of the ?FIELD2. For example, Physiology is a subField of Biology.[and full SUMO definition]
subGraphThe relation between two Graphs when one Graph is a part of the other. (subGraph ?GRAPH1 ?GRAPH2) means that ?GRAPH1 is a part of ?GRAPH2.[and full SUMO definition]
subLanguage(subLanguage ?Language-1 ?Language-2) means that ?Language-1 is included in, or subsumed by, ?Language-2. Since subLanguage is a ReflexiveRelation, every Language is a subLanguage of itself.[and full SUMO definition]
subList(subList ?LIST1 ?LIST2) means that ?LIST1 is a sublist of ?LIST2, i.e. every element of ?LIST1 is an element of ?LIST2 and the elements that are common to both Lists have the same order in both Lists. Elements that are common to both Lists and are consecutive in one list must also be consecutive in the other list. (Therefore - the list of prime numbers smaller than 10 [1 2 3 5 7] is not a subList of the natural numbers smaller than 10 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]).[and full SUMO definition]
subOrganization(subOrganization ?ORG1 ?ORG2) means that ?ORG1 is an Organization which is a part of the Organization ?ORG2. Note that subOrganization is a ReflexiveRelation, so every Organization is a subOrganization of itself.[and full SUMO definition]
subPlan(subPlan ?PLAN1 ?PLAN2) means that ?PLAN1 is a Plan which is a proper part of ?PLAN2. This relation is generally used to relate a supporting Plan to the overall Plan in a particular context.[and full SUMO definition]
subProcess(subProcess ?SUBPROC ?PROC) means that ?SUBPROC is a subprocess of ?PROC. A subprocess is here understood as a temporally distinguished part (proper or not) of a Process.[and full SUMO definition]
subProposition(subProposition ?PROP1 ?PROP2) means that ?PROP1 is a Proposition which is a proper part of the Proposition ?PROP2. In other words, subProposition is the analogue of properPart for chunks of abstract content.[and full SUMO definition]
subString(subString ?SymbolicString-1 ?SymbolicString-2) means that ?SymbolicString-1 is part of ?SymbolicString-2. ?SymbolicString-2 includes all the same Characters as ?SymbolicString-1 and in the same order, but ?SymbolicString-2 may include more Characters than ?SymbolicString-1. See also inString.[and full SUMO definition]
subSystem(subSystem ?SUB ?SYSTEM) means that the PhysicalSystem ?SUB is a part of the PhysicalSystem ?SYSTEM.[and full SUMO definition]
subclass(subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) means that ?CLASS1 is a subclass of ?CLASS2, i.e. every instance of ?CLASS1 is also an instance of ?CLASS2. A Class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses.[and full SUMO definition]
subjectiveAttribute(subjectiveAttribute ?ENTITY ?ATTR ?AGENT) means that ?AGENT attaches ?ATTR to ?ENTITY[and full SUMO definition]
subordinateInOrganization(subordinateInOrganization ?ORG ?PERSON1 ?PERSON2) means that in the Organization ?ORG, ?PERSON1 is subordinate to ?PERSON2.[and full SUMO definition]
subordinatePosition(subordinatePosition ?ORG ?SUB ?SUPER) means that in the Organization ?ORG, the holder of role ?SUB is subordinate to the holder of role ?SUPER.[and full SUMO definition]
subrelation(subrelation ?REL1 ?REL2) means that every tuple of ?REL1 is also a tuple of ?REL2. In other words, if the Relation ?REL1 holds for some arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n, then the Relation ?REL2 holds for the same arguments. A consequence of this is that a Relation and its subrelations must have the same valence.[and full SUMO definition]
subset(subset ?SET1 ?SET2) is true just in case the elements of the Set ?SET1 are also elements of the Set ?SET2.[and full SUMO definition]
substanceElementA relation from a kind of Substance to the CorpuscularObjects that make up the substance. For example, the substance Blood has elements RedBloodCell, WhiteBloodCell etc.[and full SUMO definition]
subsumedExternalConcept(subsumedExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE) means that the SUMO concept ?THING is subsumed by the meaning of ?STRING in ?LANGUAGE, i.e. the concept ?THING is narrower in meaning than ?STRING.[and full SUMO definition]
subsumesContentClassA BinaryPredicate that relates two subclasses of ContentBearingPhysical. (subsumesContentClass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) means that the content expressed by each instance of ?CLASS2 is also expressed by each instance of ?CLASS1. Examples include the relationship between a poem and one of its stanzas or between a book and one of its chapters. Note that this is a relation between subclasses of ContentBearingObject, rather than instances. If one wants to relate instances, the Predicate subsumesContentInstance can be used. Note that subsumesContentClass is needed in many cases. Consider, for example, the relation between the King James edition of the Bible and its Book of Genesis. This relation holds for every copy of this edition and not just for a single instance.[and full SUMO definition]
subsumesContentInstanceA BinaryPredicate relating two instances of ContentBearingPhysical. (subsumesContentInstance ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the content expressed by ?OBJ2 is part of the content expressed by ?OBJ1. An example is the relationship between a handwritten poem and one of its stanzas. Note that this is a relation between instances, rather than Classes. If one wants to assert a content relationship between Classes, e.g. between the version of an intellectual work and a part of that work, the relation subsumesContentClass should be used.[and full SUMO definition]
subsumingExternalConcept(subsumingExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE) means that the SUMO concept ?THING subsumes the meaning of ?STRING in ?LANGUAGE, i.e. the concept ?THING is broader in meaning than ?STRING.[and full SUMO definition]
subtitle(subtitle ?STRING ?WORKTYPE ?LANGUAGE) means that in the Language ?LANGUAGE, ?STRING is an addendum or supplement to the title for instances of the ContentBearingPhysical ?WORKTYPE.[and full SUMO definition]
successEvent(successEvent ?EXP ?PROC) specifies that Process ?PROC is a SuccessEvent of Experimenting - i.e. that it is used as the dependent variable being tracked.[and full SUMO definition]
successorAttribute(successorAttribute ?ATTR1 ?ATTR2) means that ?ATTR2 is the Attribute that comes immediately after ?ATTR1 on the scale that they share.[and full SUMO definition]
successorAttributeClosureThe transitive closure of successorAttribute. (successorAttributeClosure ?ATTR1 ?ATTR2) means that there is a chain of successorAttribute assertions connecting ?ATTR1 and ?ATTR2.[and full SUMO definition]
successorClassThe next class is a sequence of classes, such as days of the week. The first argument is 'prior' to the second argument.[and full SUMO definition]
successorOrganization(successorOrganization ?OLD ?NEW) means that the Organization ?OLD was transformed or merged into, or otherwise succeeded by, the Organization ?NEW.[and full SUMO definition]
suffersThe opposite of benefits. The Agent does not want the action to occur.[and full SUMO definition]
suffrageAgeMaximum(suffrageAgeMaximum ?POLITY ?AGE) means that in the Organization or GeopoliticalArea ?POLITY, a person must be ?AGE or younger in order to vote in the elections of ?POLITY.[and full SUMO definition]
suffrageAgeMinimum(suffrageAgeMinimum ?POLITY ?AGE) means that in the Organization or GeopoliticalArea ?POLITY, a person must be ?AGE or older in order to vote in the elections of ?POLITY.[and full SUMO definition]
superficialPart(superficialPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is a part of ?OBJ2 that has no interior parts of its own (or, intuitively, that only overlaps those parts of ?OBJ2 that are externally connected with the mereological complement of ?OBJ2). This too is a transitive relation closed under MereologicalSumFn and MereologicalProductFn.[and full SUMO definition]
suppliesBloodA relation between a class of Artery and a class of BodyPart that that indicates blood is supplied through the artery to the part in a normal and healthy version of an organism.[and full SUMO definition]
surface(surface ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is a maximally connected superficialPart of ?OBJ2. Note that some SelfConnectedObjects have more than one surface, e.g. a hollow object like a tennis ball has both an inner and an outer surface.[and full SUMO definition]
surfaceWindDirection(surfaceWindDirection ?PLACE ?DIRECTION) means that at ?PLACE the wind is coming from the compass point ?DIRECTION. For example, (surfaceWindDirection SanFranciscoBay Northwest) means that the wind in San Francisco Bay is coming from the Northwest. The wind is within 500 feet of Earth's surface.[and full SUMO definition]
surfaceWindSpeed(surfaceWindSpeed ?PLACE ?RATE) means that the speed of the surface Wind at the GeographicArea ?PLACE is ?RATE. Wind speed may be expressed in knots (KnotUnitOfSpeed) or as any distance per time unit (using (SpeedFn ?DISTANCE ?TIME)). Surface wind is found at the surface of the planet, everyday wind. Technically, Winds moving through the atmosphere up to an altitude of 500 feet.[and full SUMO definition]
surfaceWindVelocity(surfaceWindVelocity ?PLACE ?SPEED ?TOWARD) means that the surface Wind blowing at ?PLACE has a speed of ?SPEED and is moving toward the DirectionalAttribute ?TOWARD. Surface wind is found at the surface of the planet, everyday wind. Technically, Winds moving through the atmosphere up to an altitude of 500 feet.[and full SUMO definition]
synonymousExternalConcept(synonymousExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE) means that the SUMO concept ?THING has the same meaning as ?STRING in ?LANGUAGE.[and full SUMO definition]
systemBehavior(systemBehavior ?System ?Attribute) holds if ?Attribute is a SystemBehaviorAttribute which describes the RealtimeSystem ?System.[and full SUMO definition]
systemMeasured(systemMeasured ?Event ?System) means that ?Event is an event of measuring the performance of the ComputationalSystem ?System.[and full SUMO definition]
systemPart(systemPart ?PART ?SYSTEM) means that the Physical thing ?PART is a SystemElement in the PhysicalSystem ?SYSTEM.[and full SUMO definition]
systolicBloodPressureThe systole is the part of the cardiac cycle during which some chambers of the heart muscle contract after refilling with blood. Systolic pressure is the highest pressure in the arteries during this period. [from Wikipedia].[and full SUMO definition]